Battling an instantly gradifying society
We live in what I have dubbed an "instantanium". Instant messaging, instant approval, instant access, instant weightloss. How do we battle against the 'instantanium'?
Lock yourself in your house, turn everything off and hide under the table. So it would seem sometimes that this is the only solution. Battling against 'instantanium' for me has required pacing things differently.
TV, credit cards, fast-food they anwser the 'Entertain me', 'Gimme', 'Feed me'.
Slow down. These problems have been known for awhile. Go read "The Tortoise and Hare".
On the Web:
Instead of... Hearing another vague anti-consumerism remark, I'd rather... (Humorous)
Battling Delayed vs. Instant Gratification
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