Tuesday, May 03, 2005
YouTube favorites
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About Me
- Name: tonytopper
- Location: York, Pennsylvania, United States
Born in Hanover, Pa. now living in Emigsville, Pa. Left-handed and slightly unusual.
- audionews.info
- venerationtechnology.com
- bitrotten.com
- Tears for Agnes
- Slow Andy
- Old Gaelic Rugby
- ydr.com
- theninhotline.com
Sites I have profiles on
- Myspace.com
- flickr.com
- deviantART.com
- Photobucket.com
- geobloggers.com
- tribe.net
- ryze.com
- PHPBuilder.com
- icq.com
- LiveJournal.com
- Friendster.com
- profiles.yahoo.com
- hi5
Sites I have my music on
People I know
Previous Posts
- Sick of being depressed
- Anxiety
- Restless and Anxious
- R.J. Reynolds this is for you.
- R.J. Reynolds strikes back
- From Inventor to Champion
- Three weeks without a cigerette
- Find part-time job
- I got a new car, 2000 Honda Prelude. *smiles*
- Say 'Hello' to pictures
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