An Inordinate Mind

Modern day philosopher Anthony J. Topper ponders the nature of the universe.

Thursday, January 05, 2006


Sunday: Recorded a track with Matt and Jordan. I played acoustic, Matt played bass, and Jordan played the electric. It came out pretty good.

Monday: It was nice having off on Monday but I really didn't do anything productive. I got a weeks vacation coming up soon.

Tuesday: Took a walk at Rocky Ridge after work. I snapped some pictures while hiking around, some of which you can view at Then I actually went home and lifted weights for a little.

Later, Leah called and we went out to Charlee Brown's to eat. Charlee Brown's is that joint where Pargo's used to be. Not too bad; it was nothing exciting, but it was nice to see Leah. Just a random note that I saw Congressmen Todd Platts there.

Wednesday: Matt came over and worked on the track we record on Sunday. Hopefully by end-of-month it will be posted on