Stream of Consciousness
The following writing is an experiment with a form of writing known as "stream of consciousness". Please refer to for more information.
Work is driving me nuts, not really nuts more like grapes. Can you be driven grapes? Ugh, I need to find a catharsis for all the stress I've been experiencing lately.
I'm turning into such an Internet junky. Back to work.
The dark circles under my eyes are starting to bother me. Too much staring at the screen, too much coffee, too many cigarettes. Worry Worry Worry, I need to relax. I've been high strung lately. Relax Tony relax.
Huff. What's up with Saddam Hussein. I don't think people can really grasp how uncivilized certain parts of the world are. Look back in our history.
Sigh, back to work.
Been kind of wishing lately. Need to stop being wishful and start doing. Motivation , the lack of, seems to be my story. I'm much better when other people are involved.
Ugh today is choke full of problems. Web sites, Libraries, Video, the machines they are all broken, or clunking along. Computers seem so clunky here at work. Shifting gears all the time at work. It's tough. One minute someone needs help with this, another minute that. I need to get more work done, but here I am writing here. It's a solice. I think it makes me more productive to stop and spew.
My brain is so overloaded I can't think straight. Too much too much going on in there. Coffee and smokes. Perhaps all these stimulants are giving me nerve damage. Brain revolt!
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