It's strange to me that I am still adjusting to the single life. I've been single for over two months. Part of the problem is I've kept in contact too much with the girl. It's been much easier to not want to talk to her now that I discovered she basically cheated on me. In her defense, I don't know if she did anything physical with the fellow before we split, but she did have things lined right up.
I've learned about what I need to do to make future relationships better. I am 99% positive I have A.D.D. The problem there is girl's think I am not paying attention to them. I know I need to be more attentive and affectionate so that the person I am with knows I care about them. I also need to be more open about how I am feeling. I've been doing pretty good with opening up. I feel more comfortable with talking to people about my thoughts and feelings.
Even though emotions still lingers from recent experience I think what's best for me is to move on. Emotionally I am getting beyond just finding someone to fill the emptiness left from being accustomed to having someone. I'd really like to take becoming obligated to anyone slowly.