An Inordinate Mind

Modern day philosopher Anthony J. Topper ponders the nature of the universe.

Monday, November 28, 2005

This Past and the Upcoming Weekend

The weekend was a good and relaxing weekend. Friday we all played Texas hold'm in my basement. I lost ten bucks. Jesko won the pot. I smoked too many cigarettes. It was a good time though. Saturday didn't do too much. Went to the gym with Leah and Nick. Went to Borders for a bit. Paul, my co-worker and landlord, put Christmas lights up on our house. Went out to The First Cap with Vanessa and Victoria along with Nick. There was a really interesting band playing. We just sat around and chatted for awhile. Sunday I sat around and played computer games for most of the day. This was kind of a waste but I think it did something to clear my thoughts for awhile.

I have a feeling work is going to drive me nuts this week. Wish me luck.

Upcoming Weekend

This upcoming weekend is still open. There are still a bunch of movies out in the theatre I'd like to see. Jarhead, Walk the Line, even the Harry Potter movie would be good.

Anything cool going on this weekend?

Friday, November 25, 2005


As much as things seem imperfect in my life, I have a lot to be thankful for. Damn, the Thanksgiving food was good. I can't wait to get out of work today.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Internet Flame Wars and the Illusions Caused by Drunken Viral Memes

They say 'loose lips sinks ships'. I've been trying to be more tight lipped myself lately. Infer what you like from that. Controversy and animosity are part of the human experience. I think there is something special about someone who can resolve conflict.

It's been said 'blessed is the peacemaker'. We've all been guilty of causing trouble at some point. In moments of emotion it's easy to spew forth things and not realize their effect. I like to see people get along regardless of their differences. More and more, I am finding that for most people it's hard to escape the tendency that difference means disapproval.

I am just kind of spewing forth thought here right now. I guess I shouldn't be so vague but that's the best way to walk on glass.

I like being surrounded by people; it's nice to have companionship.

Let's not lose sight of this. I don't like judging people. I've never felt right doing it. Judge yourself first, then maybe think about judging other people; that's what I think.

I'm twenty-six-years-old and just starting to understand how flawed I am. At the same time though I maintain a certain level of self confidence that allows me to function higher than your typical joe; I think so anyway.

Everyone is flawed. Nobody always makes the best decisions. Just because you hold someone in high regard doesn't mean that you must always have to agree with their course of action.

Harsh words breed more harsh words, while 'a soft answer turns away wrath'. I don't like wrath so I try to answer things softly.

With regards to drinking too much alcohol, 'it's not what goes in our mouths that defiles us but what comes out' I am not talking about vomitting here people.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

It's Everywhere

I log on to one of my favorite Web sites while sitting at my living room coffee table. The TV is on. The Web page comes up. An image advertisement is on the Web page. The image is cropped right onto a pair of well formed women's breats.

Next a commercial comes onto the TV. It's a Victoria Secrets ad, sexy women prancing around in their undies.

It's kind of annoying. Don't get me wrong, women are awesome. However, I think advertising is going too far on the selling things with sex. It's making me crazy.

Let's have some dignity.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Random thought

TV isn't a good example of reality yet there are so many 'reality tv' shows.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Happy Holidays from the Journalists of your York Daily Record/Sunday News

We hope that you enjoy the holiday season. As journalists, we are proud to bring you YOUR morning and Sunday newspaper. With such a newsy county, it’s no coincidence that we’re the best morning newspaper in Central Pennsylvania.

We’re a good paper because we have good people. Our local union – York Local 38218 of the Newspaper Guild – Communications Workers of America, AFL-CIO, and CLC – makes sure it stays that way. While nobody gets rich doing this job, we enjoy and take pride in bringing you the news every day. Just like you, we are workers who want to make a decent living wage and enjoy reasonable health care and other benefits. We live, work and pay taxes in York County.

But something scary happened. More than a year ago, a corporation called MediaNews Group (based in Denver) purchased the newspaper from our previous owners. First, they announced plans to move the newsroom out of our home in downtown York, a move union members do not support. Now we are in contract talks, and MediaNews Group has brought in well-known union busters from Nashville, Tennessee to tear down our contract, strip away our benefits and alter our newsroom culture significantly.

Their proposals include:

* A Wage Freeze;
* Reducing the mileage reimbursement;
* No shift differential for those working nights or weekends;
* Major wage reductions for night workers;
* Less vacation time;
* A sick leave policy that strips our members of 857 banked sick days;
* No long-term disability plan (A plan members are willing to help fund);
* Fewer paid vacation days;
* Management rights that would significantly weaken our union and its ability to represent our members;
* Eliminating severance pay (This is a real slap in the face to our members who have dedicated decades to this newspaper);
* and, sadly many more proposals that would harm our working conditions.

What will happen if these proposals become our reality? The talented, capable people who bring you the newspaper are not likely to stay. In the newspaper business, when a newspaper treats its employees badly – the employees usually move to another paper. The people who replace them aren’t as knowledgeable about the area, or the people who live there. They don’t have contacts or sources cultivated over a span of years. The current staffs use these tools to bring you the best possible news, every day.


You should expect the best from the morning and Sunday newspaper, and we hope to continue to bring it to our readers. We’ll do our best to give you:

• Interesting, informative stories, written in a way that makes you want to read them.

• Coverage of political leaders that makes them accountable to you - the people who put them in office. We will also continue to keep an eye on how they’re spending your tax dollars.

• Events around the county, the state, the country and the world. We will continue to bring you insightful commentary about the issues and events you care about.

• Information you can be confident in, so you can make the YDR/SN your main news source.

• Top-notch, sports coverage.

• Fun things to do with your family, new recipes to follow and the best bands in the area. You can find them all (and more) in our features section or our weekly Flipside magazine.

• Our photographers and graphic designers will give you plenty to look at with every edition.

York County is a great place. It deserves great newspapers. We’re asking for your support in this fight for our rights, wages and benefits. We urge you to write a letter to the editor (,, telling the new owners that you support the journalists who bring you the news every day, and believe they deserve a fair contract. You can also call Jim McClure, Fred Uffelman and Randy Parker at (717) 771-2000 and let them know you support union members. Support your local newspaper union, and we’ll continue to support and inform you. Remember, We're York County - MediaNews Group is not!

Thanks in advance standing up for worker’s rights and for your local journalists. Please pick up the latest issue of the YDR/SN to get more information, check out our Web site,, or cruise our newest online feature, In addition, please support union members at the afternoon newspaper by picking up a copy of the York Dispatch or surfing their Web site, Have a wonderful holiday season!

Members of the York Newspaper Guild, Local # 38218 of the Communications Workers of America, AFL-CIO, CLC
P.O. Box 527, York PA 17405


Monday, November 14, 2005

Party was Mad Fun

Many people were in attendance Saturday night. Around twenty or so I guess. Nick and I purchased a half keg of Yuengling for the festivities. Flip cup and Beer pong were played a bunch.

Emile and Bryan played some chess. They also whooped up on the beer pong table. Cliff drove all the way from New York to get molested by the puppeted arms of Erin and Liz. Someone ate Nick's meatballs. Someone insulted Melinda. Greg insulted Leah and Michelle. I drank too much. Brian decided to tackle Nick. Meathead drank too much Captin Morgan's. People smoked in my house. The girl I was hoping would come called and said she couldn't make it. Melinda spilled beer all over my bed. Jess and Melinda made out. I stumbled Leah and Michelle to there car.

Nick left his own party to go dancing at the Hardware Bar. Scott got a giant wedge from Steve per the encouragement of Emile. Scott also got caned in the jewels when he tried to molest me. Chris got sick from hanging out with Don Julio too long and smoking cigars.

All in all it was a good time. Everybody seemed to enjoy themselves. Nick and I decided we're gonna do it again sometime before the year's up.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

NIN concert

NIN concert
Originally uploaded by Anthony Topper.
Here's a picture from the NIN concert like I promised. I didn't get any spectacular shots but I got a couple that turned out decent.

Monday, November 07, 2005

The Lurkers come out.

Damn ok, I got three lovely comments on my last post within a couple of hours. lol. Of course they were rather snide, but that's alright.

For shits and giggle's and for those of you who don't click the comment link I'll display the humor of my blog visitors.

press your pecker on the scanner and post it & THEN we'll have something to comment on!
i am lurking | 11.07.05 - 9:30 pm | #

ummmm....maybe you should just, i don't know, get a life. maybe get some fresh air. maybe just get laid.
jesus, this is just so damn sad...
lurking on the threshold | 11.07.05 - 9:27 pm | #

I'd say, because kissing an ashtray is every girl's dream. That, and it just plain smells.
lurker | 11.07.05 - 8:02 pm | #

Concert, birthday celebration and computer games

Nine Inch Nails concert
Went to the NIN concert at the Wachovia Spectrum in Philadelphia on Saturday. It was a really good concert. Death from Above, the opening band, needs some work though. In fact, I heard that someone remarked them as "Shit from Above".

Queens of the Stone Age sounded good and of course NIN played fantastic. Managed to get my digital camera into the show. I'll post some pictures here when I get a chance.

Sister's birthday
Celebrated my sister's birthday on Sunday. She's thirty-two. Wow.

Computer games
The gang seemed disappointed that hardly anyone showed up for the computer gaming weekend they had planned. I managed to go over to Gordy's for a couple hours on Sunday night. With this project at work, the concert, and my sister's shindig it was tough even squeezing in the couple hours I went over yesterday.

I got pretty sick about a month ago. Ever since then I've had this cough. It's not horrible or anything, but I know it would be gone if I didn't smoke. I'm also thinking about how I'd like to find a nice girl to date. My thought is that not smoking is more attractive than smoking.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Lurkers engage

On the Net, a lurker is a person who reads discussions on a message board, blog, chatroom or other place where you can post your thoughts, but rarely participates.

I'd like to encourage more discussion here on my blog. So all you Lurkers should start commenting.

What can I do to encourage you to leave comments?

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Good weekend

So I had several gathering to attend for Halloween festivities. Friday was Alison's, Saturday was Leah's, and Monday was a bunch of people from work. All of them turned out to be a good time. Being single is kind of fun because I probably wouldn't be doing all this if I wasn't.

I'd like to meet a nice girl though, someone who's secure.